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Dutch Week

Dutch Week: A Celebration

Festivities, activities and events

Sat 23 April to Sun 1 May – Throughout the country

All over Aotearoa, there will be events to celebrate all things Dutch: culture, heritage, language and food.

Enjoy a touch of Dutch! Whether you're in one of the big cities, or the smaller towns.  

Are you keen to hop on a bike? Check out the Orange Bike Rides

Stimulate your young ones to learn or practice Nederlandse taalNational Speech Competition.

Learn how you can put sustainability into practice for your personal and business life at the Dutch Business Association's ' Sustainability in Practice '

Or get together with other Dutchies one night, to immerse yourself in cultuur uit Nederland - sit back and watch a Dutch movie at the Dutch Film Festival.

9 April

Dutch Market

14 May

Dutch Market